ZUS Smart Tire Safety Monitor ローンチまであと1ヶ月

2日ほど前にZUS Smart Tire Safety Monitorの更新情報がメールで届いていました。

We did it! Thank you!

Hey backers,

We are so incredibly thrilled and grateful to have successfully completed our campaign. Thank you all so much for your support!

Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect in the upcoming weeks.

Manufacturing Update

As we mentioned in the last two updates, we’re wrapping up manufacturing for our first batch of tire monitors. In the next few weeks, we’ll be completing final assembly and packaging and then shipping the products out to our global warehouses.

Survey Update

Before we ship, we’ll be sending out a survey to everyone by August 7th. It’s important that you complete the survey to confirm your product preferences and to double check your shipping address. On the survey, you’ll also have an opportunity to add any additional products if you’d like.

Shipping Update

We’re delighted to let you know that we’re still on track to start shipping by mid-August! After receiving your survey responses, we’ll be packing up your orders and shipping them to you.

Look out for another update from us in early August regarding the survey. Stay tuned :).


nonda Team




と言ったとしても、Lily Cameraの苦い経験から、そのような企業に投資することはないでしょう。いくらアイディアに優れ、資金が集まったとしても、それを実現するための技術力・実行力が伴わなければ、空に描いた餅でしかありません。詐欺師ほど言葉が巧みなので気をつけないといけません。
